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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Online Licensing Renewals

The Dealer Renewal Process

ONLY licenses issued in DECEMBER are valid for the following year. If you were licensed before December, please follow the instructions below to renew:


  • Select:  DEALER from the drop down box.
            Enter your LICENSE NUMBER and PASSWORD
  • You should be on the INFORMATION tab.
            You may be required to update information before you can proceed with the renewal. 
  • Select: The BOND tab and make sure your bond information is up to date.
  • Select: The MANUFACTURER/MAKES tab and add your manufacturer and makes.
  • Select: The RENEW LICENSE BUTTON at the top.
  • The system will prompt you with a Renewal Verification. This checklist must be completed before you can proceed with the renewal.
  • After checking all boxes for the renewal verification, proceed with renewing your Salesmen and Dealer license.
  • Complete the DealerUpdateForm, if you have any changes that need to be made. Make sure to include your Dealer Doc Fee on the form. Submit via email to or fax 601-987-3997.
  • PDF picture by picture steps.


  • You must include ALL parts of your license number. If you’re an RV dealer, your license number isn’t just 1000. It is RV1000. Some licenses have SPC, SFM, B, or M in front of them as well. You must include the letter(s) if they are a part of your license number
  • If a salesman has late fees, it is because you are late licensing them. You have 10 days to license a salesman. If you login to renew on October 7th, but add a salesman who started in June, late fees would be assessed. If you feel the late fees are in error, contact the MMVC, and we will review it.


  • We are separate from the Department of Revenue and do not handle MARVIN or dealer tags.
  • You can print your license(s) through the online system.
  • Your salesman “shall have his license upon his person, or displayed at his place of employment, except as hereinafter provided, when engaged in his business, and shall display the same upon request.” See Miss. Code 63-17-81.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Amanda Jasper White at 601-987-3995 x101.